Free Ground School Intro Call

Are you ready to take the first step toward your aviation dreams? Whether you're just starting or looking to advance your skills, I’m here to help you reach your goals. As an FAA-certified Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor with experience teaching everyone from private pilots to Boeing 767/757 captains, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to our conversation.

I offer fully bilingual (English/Spanish) lessons and use a flight simulator to enhance your ground school training. Using a simulator allows us to dive deep into real-world scenarios, giving you a head start on understanding complex concepts and building confidence before you even set foot in an aircraft.

During our call, we’ll discuss your specific goals, explore how to start earning in aviation without needing all your ratings upfront, and how using a simulator can accelerate your learning. This is a no-pressure, informative chat designed to give you the insights and tools you need to succeed.

Let’s connect and start your journey in aviation!

Why I created this online ground school.

I created 76 Ground School Chick after a needlessly long, challenging and expensive flight training journey. I like to say that I learned the hard way so you don’t have to make the same costly (in time, connections and money) mistakes that I made.

If you aspire to become a pilot and you're in another career that takes up a lot of your bandwidth, and you don't have money put away already for your flight training, you don't have a plan for how to pay for it or how to go through your flight training, the traditional approach to getting your pilot ratings could have you wasting years coming up with the money to pay for all your ratings, all while not growing as a pilot.

Or if it's an option for you, you could take out a loan (and those are expensive) and you'll have to pay that back later instead of having freedom to make financial decisions without that pressure. Or you may consider giving up on flight training, thinking that the time isn't right for you or that it's just not meant for you.

I've seen it happen countless times where a pilot gets a day job to pay for their flight training and then ends up getting stuck in that job that they want to move on from without the means to continue their flight training all while not growing as a pilot.

And that was almost me. It had taken all the resources I had to get to the end of private pilot and I was still really far away from being able to be legally compensated, to fly.

The typical way to do that is to get your commercial and look for low time, pilot jobs, which are not that easy to come by

Or to become a flight instructor and that takes a lot of ratings and tens of thousands of dollars to get to.

I knew that for the ground instructor rating, I just needed to pass a couple tests so it was dependent on my brain and not on spending tens of thousands of dollars and years getting my ratings.

And the short story is I became a low time private pilot teaching ground school to Boeing 7 67 and 7 5 7 pilots at a Part 121 cargo airline, getting to talk about nerdy airplane stuff all day and getting a good full-time salary.

I gained amazing mentors that I would not have met otherwise and I got to build a reputation by teaching in front of and gaining the respect of my colleagues who were much more experienced than I was- But they thought I was doing a great job.

Since then I've had multiple offers to work at different flight schools, both remote and in-person, at different airlines and now I teach ground school via Zoom from wherever I am.

So you really don't need to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars finishing all your ratings first before, starting to make money in the aviation industry with the most inexpensive, fastest, yet most underrated rating in aviation.-And that's the ground instructor rating.

By becoming a ground instructor first, I took advantage of the fact that teaching a subject is the best way to learn deeply while also setting myself up to be successful, to be excellent as an instructor and opening doors for myself that I otherwise would not have had access to.

Another thing that influences our approach to ground school is the simulator experience I acquired at my airline. When I saw the way that airlines use simulators to enhance training of new hires and make it more effective, I realized all the ways that having a realistic, simulated environment could have saved me loads of time and money when I was first learning to fly, learning flows and procedures. This would’ve been especially helpful when I was new and I wasn’t familiar enough with the cockpit environment and instruments to chair fly effectively. Being able to cultivate familiarity and put in practice time in a realistic environment would have saved me countless hours of learning in the airplane. This has a significant impact on how much money you end up spending because airplane rental is one of the largest factors in increasing the cost of flight training.

Private Pilot Ground School Course

Interactive online Private Pilot Ground School, where you'll receive live instruction from an experienced and fully bilingual (English/Spanish) airline ground instructor via Zoom. Our unique approach includes live simulator screen sharing to deepen your understanding and increase familiarity with concepts and procedures, helping you save time and money on in-airplane training.

To get started click the “Schedule A Call” button below.

Instrument Pilot Ground School Course

Interactive Online Instrument Ground School, where you'll receive live instruction from an experienced and fully bilingual (English/Spanish) airline ground instructor via Zoom. Our unique approach includes live simulator screen sharing to deepen your understanding of instrument flight concepts and procedures, increasing your familiarity and confidence. This comprehensive course is designed to help you save time and money on in-airplane training while preparing you for your FAA Instrument written exam.

To get started click the “Schedule A Call” button below.


Instrument w FOI

This course bundle prepares you for the FAA Instrument written exam, the Instrument Ground Instructor exam, and the Fundamentals of Instruction exam, setting you on the path to becoming an Instrument Ground Instructor while working towards your instrument rating.

To get started click the “Schedule A Call” button below.