Chicks Who Fly

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Most Affordable, Effective and Fastest Way to Transition to a Career as a Pilot

In today's episode, we talk about why becoming a ground instructor is the fastest, most affordable and most effective way to start making money in aviation and transition to a career as a professional pilot.

We compare the cost and time investment needed to become legally able to be paid in aviation with the traditional route versus the ground instructor route.

We discuss the benefits of building a reputation from the start, of teaching as the best way to master subject matter, flexibility and options as well as Inaia's personal experience teaching ground school to Boeing 767 and 757 pilots at a Part 121 cargo airline.

If this approach resonates with you and you're interested in exploring the possibility of doing your own ground school for your own ratings and to become a ground instructor at the same time, I would love to help you get started. I'm putting together an interest list for those who want to take the first steps towards this career path. To sign up, just send me an email at